Do You Feel Unworthy?

Have you experienced that emotional wash of flu-like discomfort throughout your body, leading you to believe you are dirty, or unclean?  Do you have painful thoughts of regret in the middle of the night?

What are these awful emotions?  Simply, they are a feeling of unworthiness. Brené Brown, shame researcher and storyteller, has helped bring to light these intensely dark emotions (see list and links below). Through meta-analysis, she found the four ickiest emotions—my word, not hers—are: Embarrassment, Humiliation, Guilt, and Shame.  Even though these emotions can feel similar, knowing the differences between them makes all the differenceContinue reading “Do You Feel Unworthy?”

Gossip Leading to Happiness?

Soren Kierkegaard, one of the modern world’s first existential philosophers, discovered four unconventional steps to happiness.  Some of them seem outlandish, but the path to contentment is not always a simple one! These steps, he explained, are essential. Continue reading “Gossip Leading to Happiness?”